Five Japanese Americans authors in various disciplines are coming to speak on March 12 and 13, 2022 in person at the Tucson Festival of Books at University of Arizona mall.
Naomi Hirabara (mystery). Naomi has been here several times in the past to this festival and has shared information about her Mas Arai detective series. Arai is a Japanese American gardener and sometimes private investigator in Los Angeles.

Amy Kibuishi (young adult)

Sequoia Nagamatsu (sci fi)

Mariko Tamaki (young adult)

Sophia Terazawa (poetry)

Go to Tucson Festival of Books author website link to learn more about these authors and when they will be speaking over the 2 day festival.Click on their name on the alphabetical author listing for their bio and appearance dates/times.
Last minute update: Sara Fujimura at Indie Young Adult Author pavilion on Sunday, March 13, 12:15 p.m. for 2 hours to sell/sign her books.