Will you write haiku with us?Pima County Public Library·Thursday, April 2, 2020·

“Will you write haiku with us? April is National Poetry Month, so we have a haiku challenge for you! Each week this month there will be a different topic to write haiku poems about. You don’t have to write one every week.April 2-10: Write Haiku about this weird new normal we’re all adjusting to.April 11-19: Write haiku about spring in the Sonoran Desert.April 19-25: The third week of April is National Library Week, so our theme is books and reading and libraries.April 26-30: And for the last week of the month, we want you to share haiku about your furry and feathered friends.

- Post your poems as comments to poetry posts on PCPL’s social media accounts on either Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.
- Use the hashtag #PCPLhaikuchallenge, and any others you wish. #stayconnected #poetrymonth2020 #communityhaikutime would also be great.
- Haiku should be original, that is to say, written by you or someone in your family. If you find one by someone else that you love and absolutely must share, please credit them in your comment.
- No prizes, but your poems will be compiled at the end of the month in a blog post on our website.
- What’s a haiku? Haiku are non-rhyming poems that are only 3 lines. The first line is 5 syllables, the second is 7 syllables, and the last one is 5 syllables.
P.S. This would be a great homeschooling assignment.#PCPLhaikuchallenge#stayconnected#poetrymonth2020#communityhaikutime”