[Spring 2023] Center for Buddhist Studies Lecture Series “See schedule below. Please subscribe to our email list or social media for more information and updates. To receive a link to the webinar, please sign up for our email list here: http://eepurl.com/gb2yaD. If you are already on our list of “Lectures and Academic Research,” you will receive the link soon.
Jan. 30 (Monday)John Johnston, Independent Scholar Topic: Manpukuji – Views from Inside the Main Temple of the Obaku School of Zen
Feb. 13 (Monday)Robert Sharf, UC Berkeley Topic: Thinking Through Zen Kōans
Feb. 14 (Tuesday)Elizabeth Sharf, Independent Scholar Topic: How to Read Ingen’s Portraits
Feb. 21 (Tuesday)Paul Berry, Details TBA
March 13 (Monday)Marcus Bingenheimer, Temple University Topic: A network perspective on the two stages of the late Ming revival of Chinese Buddhism
March 27 (Monday)Harald Conrad, University of Sheffield Topic: A Collector’s Reflection on the Appreciation, Understanding and Authentication of Ōbaku Zen Calligraphy
April, TBA Chia-lin Pao Tao, University of Arizona Topic: Teaching Buddhism through Calligraphy: Three Masters
Sponsored by Wanfu Temple in Fuqing, Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou, Pu Yin Education Center, and Matcha.com.”

To check schedule and location for each lecture, go to:
(2) Center for Buddhist Studies | Tucson AZ | Facebook
I am curious if any events are planned for October-December, 2023?
Or for 2024?
No idea, but check their website and FB Page.