
All articles written by Carolyn Sugiyama Classen, Editor

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Scholarships given to 2 UA Students in AZ in Kyoto summer study abroad program for 2024

Zachary Kosmerchock & John-Michael Mathis holding Goshuin souvenir booklet for temples visited in Japan (photo courtesy of Noriko Hayashi)

For the 3rd time our SAJCC provided $500 scholarships each to two financially needy UA students participating in the summer “Az in Kyoto: Experience Japanese Culture” study abroad program in July.  This year’s recipients were John-Michael Mathis, Physiology & Public Health major,and Zachary Kosmerchock, majoring in Game Development & Design. Both students are minoring in Japanese language. 
The two scholarship students each presented on September 11, 2024 a 15 minute video show of their experiences in Kyoto to the SAJCC Council and some East Asian Studies Dept. faculty. Event was held at EAS Dept. conference room at 1512 E. 1st St. in the UA LSB Building. A total of 11 students had traveled to Kyoto for this UA summer study abroad program. 
John-Michael’s essay excerpt: “I want to learn more about the culture I have been studying for two years, now and learn more about how the country functions. I want to see tea ceremonies, the massive architecture, and the beautiful views I’ve heard about so much from my professors who originally lived in Japan. My goal, if I receive this scholarship, would be to pursue the passions that I’ve learned through the Japanese department and to explore the country that has been my goal to visit for the last few years.” 
Zachary’s essay excerpt: “For my future career as a videogame developer, creating visually-engaging content that spans across the globe is indicative of success with the video game industry. By going to study in Kyoto, I will gain a better understanding of learning about a difference culture and broadening my world perspective which will help my current/future career and education goals.”
In attendance this year:
myself as Chair of the Scholarship committee plus my
husband Dr. Albrecht Classen (member of Scholarship Committee, director of UA Medieval Europe study abroad program) and
Dr. Min Yanagihashi (member of Scholarship committee, retired faculty of EAS Dept.) 
Other Council members:  Miki Pimienta (Co-Director), Evelyn Yanagihashi, K Negley (Secretary), Dr. Josh Schlachet, Miyako McKay (Co-Treasurer).
Faculty:  Chieko Nakano & Takashi Miura (Co-directors of this program), staff Noriko Hayashi (Japan Outreach Initiative program)
For first time, SAJCC donated funds to purchase Japanese snacks. Previously Council members had donated snacks. Green tea was provided by East Asian Studies Dept.
Scroll down on this Culture/History page to read about the previous scholarship recipients in 2019 and 2023 (hiatus in 2020, 2021, 2022 due to the pandemic). 

Retired UA Professor Min Yanagihashi publishes a new book on “Japan’s Intractable Problems & American Involvement” in May 2024. It is available via, Barnes & Noble & Walmart. Congratulations Min!

“Over seventy-five years have passed without any changes in the Japanese Constitution. A similar length of time has elapsed without the resolving of small island disputes with three of Japan’s neighbors. The United States is involved in all of these protracted issues. The two sets of problems are: (1) revision of the status of the emperor and Article 9 with its war renunciation clause, and (2) island disputes with Russia, South Korea, and China. Individuals and organizations engaged the planning, formulation, and implementation of policies are discussed, including the prospects for change. The resolution of these problems will go a long way in determining the nature of the move and the direction Japan takes, and what role it will play in the global community.” (from



Return of Tucson Japanese Festival a huge success on March 23, 2024

Our SAJCC Council decided to move our popular Tucson Japanese Festival from January to March in 2024, after the 3 year hiatus due to the covid pandemic. It was held at Tucson Chinese Cultural Center, 1288 W. River Rd. again for the 3rd time, on March 23, 2024.  Performances by co-sponsor Odaiko Sonora was on the main stage with numerous martial art troupes, plus mochi pounding by the Pimienta (and Hayes brothers) and other performances such as taiko, shakuhachi & butoh in the Memorial Garden by the front foyer. Tea ceremonies were performed in the library, and games/children’s activities (origami, kendama, chopstick pickup) were held in the east rooms.

Main stage MC was Lani Villanueva.

Probably attended by two thousand five hundred people, plus lots of new vendors, and new 50/50 raffle which raised more than $250 for our scholarship program.

Photos courtesy of my husband Albrecht Classen.

Odaiko Sonora taiko drummers did the opening drumroll and performed later on the Main Stage outside. 

Suzuyuki-Kai MoGan Daiko troupe performed in the Memorial Garden. Event coordinator Kristina McGaha in the green tshirt (from our last 2020 festival).


Mochi ponding performed by Pimienta and Hayes brothers, supervised by Miki Pimienta on SAJCC Council. 

Stay tuned for photo gallery to be published in 

And here it is:


SAJCC Director Yukihiro Ibuki passed away in Kyoto, Japan

Our SAJCC Director Yuki Ibuki passed away in Kyoto, Japan on Dec, 3, 2023 at age 64.  He was our Interim Director from July 2016 to May 2017 when he was named Director. Yuki worked for UA Respiratory Center (University of Arizona/Dept. of Medicine/UAHS Center for Sleep and Circadian Sciences) for 10 years but also was a Johrei practitioner at Tucson Johrei Fellowship Center for many more years.

R.I.P Yuki, we will sorely miss your leadership, friendliness and singing.
Update:  Yuki was remembered at a memorial gathering at the Tucson Johrei Center on Feb. 26 as well as at Yume Japanese Gardens (sponsored by SAJCC), which included his two sons Hiroto and Masahiko. He was also remembered at our 2024 Tucson Japanese Festival on March 23, 2024, with a photo display and moment of silence.


Japanese Culture Day held at International School of Tucson on November 19, 2023

A mini Tucson Japanese Culture Festival promoting our culture was held at the International School of Tucson, 1701 E. Seneca Street on November 19, 2023.  Various tables/booths were scattered around the school grounds highlighting Japanese  ceramics, ikebana, origami, food, yukata, tea ceremony, etc.  In the Auditorium and outside stage performances were by Suzuyuki-kai dancers, Japanese harp & bamboo flute, Japanese Language School choir, Odaiko Sonora taiko drummers & bon dancing, kendo demonstrations, among others.  Takoyaki Balls food truck was serving various dishes in the outside playground. An okaki (rice cracker) vendor from Sedona was in the Auditorium, along with pastries from Shuka Sweets. Japanese juices (ume, mikan, ringo) and soda were provided outside near the registration tables.

Rhyanna & M Craig, founder of Tucson Origami Club (photo courtesy of M). Origami paper folding was taught by M and her daughter Stephanie Rojas inside the north building.


Sakura Tea Circle table with Bianca, K, and Arlene. Demos of Japanese tea ceremony were given in the classroom behind. Photo courtesy of James Tokishi

Tucson Japanese Language School choir performing “My Neighbor Totoro” with Toru Tagawa conducting. Photo courtesy of James Tokishi.

Suzuyuki-kai dancers performing with founder Mari Kaneta (in back) & Suzu Mitsuyuki. Photo courtesy of James Tokishi


beautiful ikebana arrangement by JoAnn Hyde of Ohara School of Ikebana, photo courtesy of M Craig

Congratulations to organizer Yukari Katayama Fujimoto for this festival to spread Japanese culture in Tucson. Many volunteers from UA East Asian Studies and Japanese Student Association made this event such a success, as did numerous other volunteers from the Tucson Japanese Language School and Ikkyu restaurant. The festival was well organized and well attended by the Tucson Community.


Two SAJCC Study Abroad Scholarships awarded to University of Arizona students for summer 2023 in Kyoto, Japan

Back in 2019 our SAJCC Council created a Study Abroad in Japan Scholarship program to award two $500 scholarships to financially needy UA college students enrolled in the Arizona in Kyoto summer class. Two students were awarded the scholarships in 2019, but this UA study abroad program was cancelled for 3 summers due to the covid -19 pandemic.

16 students in the 2023 Arizona in Kyoto: Experience Japanese Culture (new name) summer course were encouraged to submit an application and essay about why they wanted to study in Kyoto, Japan. 6 students applied and our Scholarship committee consisting again of Chair Carolyn Sugiyama Classen (SAJCC Editor), her husband Professor Albrecht Classen (Director of Medieval Europe Study Abroad program), and retired East Asian Professor Min Yanagihashi (SAJCC Council) reviewed the applications and unanimously chose two Japanese majors Isaac Brand and Harrison Moffatt to receive the scholarships. Both students are also majoring in Linguistics.

Students Isaac Brand and Harrison Moffatt in front of East Asian Studies Dept.banner

Isaac Brand’s statement excerpt:
“I want to study abroad in Japan because I want to put forth and apply the time and effort I have spent studying and practicing the Japanese Language here in Tucson. By signing up for any Japanese Study Abroad program, I aim to apply the immersion technique in language acquisition in order to better practice and improve my fluency in Japanese while being fully immersed within the culture itself. Therefore, I have dedicated my academic career to my East Asian Studies (Japanese Language) and Linguistics (Academic & Professional) majors, and seek to experience the real thing.”
Harrison Moffatt’s statement excerpt:
“As for my career, I plan to apply to work for the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program. This study abroad will give me the chance to experience what living in Japan is like and establish relationships in an academic setting. Furthermore, one of my life goals is to become fluent in Japanese, and I intend to take the necessary steps to get there by putting myself in any situation in which I can learn something new. Arizona in Kyoto is how I will make my dreams into reality.”
Both students were required to give a presentation on their study abroad experience to the SAJCC Council in the Fall of 2023. On September 7, both students presented a joint power point at the East Asian Studies Dept. conference room (1512 E. 1st St.) about their learning experiences in Kyoto and Osaka. Both enjoyed their summer study abroad program, classes and travels and were very grateful for their scholarship.
Attending this meeting were several SAJCC Council members (myself, Professor Min Yanagihashi & wife Evelyn, K Negley, Miyako McKay, Miki Pimienta), Professor Albrecht Classen, East Asian Studies professors Albert Welter (Chair), Chieko Nakano, Scott Gregory and Tetsuya Takeno.  Nakano and Gregory directed the Kyoto study abroad program this summer.
Also in attendance were Isaac and Harrison’s girlfriends and Professor Gregory’s wife.
Thanks to the SAJCC Council members for providing Japanese refreshments.


Two Southern Arizonans interviewed for Chasing Cherry Blossoms podcast

ASU Asst. Professor Reina Higashitani (Sidney Poitier New American Film School) has recently produced a podcast show “Chasing Cherry Blossoms – Reframing American history through the Japanese experience“. Description of this show: “As Americans grapple with increasing tension and division, what can we learn from the past to connect with each other? The series illustrates generations of Japanese immigrants’ experiences through intimate conversations and explores what it means to be an American today.”

Higashitani and her student film crew interviewed two Southern Arizonans – Carolyn Sugiyama Classen, former Legislative Aide to U.S. Senator Dan Inouye who worked on the redress issue, and Dr.Brett Esaki, UA East Asian Studies Department Assistant Professor.

Carolyn’s podcast: Episode 1: Banana (

Brett’s podcast: Episode 3: Where are you REALLY from? (

Carolyn and Brett had met this ASU Film crew when they attended the 80th anniversary Day of Remembrance panel discussion at the University of Arizona APASA office on Feb. 18, 2022.

Carolyn’s father had been forced to relocate from L.A. to Chicago in 1942 after being expelled from USC Dental School due to being Japanese American, and Brett’s grandparents met in one of the WWII Internment camps.

Other episodes are available at the Chasing Cherry Blossoms website: Chasing Cherry Blossoms — Reina Higashitani (

11/9/23 AZ Humanities Podcast about these project entitled “Representation Matters:


Suzu Mitsuyuki, trained in classical Japanese dance, performed at Yume Japanese Gardens (2130 N. Alvernon Way) on April 14 and 15, 2023 for “Dance of Spring” evenings. Photos taken by James Tokishi, more available at his FB page:



Day of Remembrance panel discussion held at Tucson Desert Art Museum on Feb. 18, 2023

On Feb. 18, 2023 the Tucson Desert Art Museum (TDART), 7000 E. Tanque Verde Rd. held a panel discussion in commemoration of the Day of Remembrance of the 81st anniversary of the signing of E.O. 9066 by FDR, which set up the mass internment of 120,000 Japanese Americans during WWII.

L to R: current UA Asst. Professor Brett Esaki and retired UA Professor Min Yanagihashi, photo courtesy of James Tokishi

On the panel were retired UA East Asian Studies Professor Min Yanagihashi and current UA East Asian Studies Professor Brett Esaki who presented on the history of discrimination against Japanese Americans since the 1860’s, then after the Pearl Harbor bombing in December, 1941, and the creation of the 10 large internment camps during WWII, two of which were in Arizona at Poston and Gila River.  Fred Yamashita, Executive Director of AFL-CIO from Phoenix also spoke and recited his poem “A Time” in memory of his interned parents at Heart Mt. Internment Camp in Wyoming.  Esaki’s four grandparents were in the internment camps as well.
Photos & video courtesy of SAJCC amateur photographer/videographer James Tokishi.
This panel discussion was entitled “Asian American Discrimination: Then and Now”, in conjunction with their exhibit: “Citizen/Enemy: Japanese American Incarceration Camps”, on view from October 12, 2022 to March 26, 2023 at TDART. See website:

Citizen/Enemy exhibit display, photo courtesy of Fred Yamashita

TDART also held a panel discussion in Feb. 2017 on the 75th anniversary of E.O. 9066, in conjunction with 3 exhibits on the WWII internment camps. Scroll down on this Culture page to read about that prior event. Panelists in 2017 were also Dr. Min Yanagihashi, plus ASU Professor Kathy Nakagawa (descendant) and Carolyn Sugiyama Classen, JD (descendant), former Legislative Aide to US Senator Dan Inouye.

New book “The Japanese American Experience: Change & Continuity” published by Dr. Min Yanagihashi (retired UA Professor) in Sept. 2022

One of our founding Council members on our Southern Arizona Japanese Cultural Coalition, retired UA Professor Min Yanagihashi has just published a new book entitled “The Japanese American Experience: Change & Continuity” by Liberty Hill Publishing.  Min is a Nisei (2nd generation) from Honolulu, Hawaii and taught at the University of Arizona in their East Asian Studies Dept.

In this book, Min captures our Japanese American experience as immigrants, the racism during World War II of being relocated into mass internment camps, the hard work & determination to reach economic success thereafter, the strong values taught to our descendants like me (Sansei, 3rd generation).

Dr. Min Yanagihashi

Read this book to find out more about our Japanese American struggles & strengths. It is now available through and Description of book from Amazon:

“Immigration and racism are contentious issues in many societies. This book deals, in part, with these two controversies through the experiences of the Japanese Americans. No other second-generation ethnic group is given the kind of recognition achieved by the Nisei (second-generation Japanese Americans). But it was a perilous journey, fraught with endless discrimination, questioning of loyalty, and even confinement in concentration camps. Yet they were able to achieve remarkable success in politics and made significant advances in American society. Although thoroughly assimilated, they kept alive their rich cultural heritage. America is a country with diverse cultures, and this diversity is to be celebrated and not feared, for herein lies the strength of America. The narrative begins with a historical perspective and ends with an observer-participant view of recent events. This is a story that needs to be told. “

3/4/23 book review in AZ Daily Star (page E5):


Personal Justice Reconciled 

Editor Carolyn Sugiyama Classen’s father Francis Sueo Sugiyama was awarded a posthumous honorary bachelor’s degree on April 1, 2022 by University of Southern California. USC had unjustly expelled him without due process of law from first year dental school in 1942.

She wrote up an op-ed piece for AZ Daily Star on this experience, “Personal Justice Reconciled” which was published on April 27, 2022 (page A6):

Local Opinion: Personal justice reconciled | Local Editorials and Opinion |

She also spoke about this experience and working as a Legislative  Aide to U.S.  Senator Dan Inouye in 1979/1980 — at the first Golden Week celebration of JACL – AZ on Monday, April 25, 2022 at the Japanese Friendship Garden in Phoenix. She was instrumental in passage of P.L.96-317 which created the National Commission on Wartime Relocation & Internment of Civilians, which investigated this wrong done to Japanese Americans during WWII.

Carolyn holding the Commission’s 1982 report “Personal Justice Denied”, photo courtesy of JACL AZ

Her final personal thoughts of reconciliation and peaceful contemplation of the USC tribute rock garden in memory of these students and their families:

You tube video of Carolyn’s presentation as recorded by JACL AZ President Bill Staples:


Kazuma Sambe’s ceramic art at Yun Gee Park Gallery in 2022

Tucson ceramic artist Kazuma Sambe’s art on display at Yun Gee Park Gallery in Tucson in Spring, 2022

Beautiful and colorful Japanese themed art by featured ceramic artist Kazuma Sambe is currently on display in the Spring, 2022 at Yun Gee Park Gallery (named for Korean-American co-owner), at 4226 E. 2nd St. (west of Columbus Ave.)  Kazuma is married to TUSD Educator Junko Sakoi.

Part of his artist statement: “We eat facts and digest them into our reality. Food is an essential element in our life, not only for nutrition but also as a cultural representation through sight and taste. We sometimes think that the food we see with our eyes is the whole image. However, advertising culture manipulates and distorts reality to stimulate consumers’ imagination and turns its product into hope and satisfaction. When we go to a fast food restaurant and order a burger, what we actually get is different from the one depicted in the fancy advertisement. We unconsciously compromise the image or even alter our own perceptions of the burger and eat without suspicion and disappointment.”

Website about Kazuma’s art:

Artists – Kazuma Sambe


UCLA Professor and film maker Renee Tajima-Pena spoke at the UA Tucson Humanities Festival themed “Storytelling”  on October 19, 2021 at the HSIB building (1670 E. Drachman St.) on the UA campus.  She highlighted scenes from of her work in producing the 5 hour long PBS special “Asian Americans” . She also spoke about growing up Japanese American in California  and her family being interned in two camps in Heart Wyoming and Gila River in Arizona.

View hour long video here:


Tokyo to Tucson” article in AZ Daily Star newspaper on July 22,2021 featuring Japanese culture in Tucson. Just in time for the 2021 Tokyo Olympics.  Otaku Nation (store), Takoyaki Balls food truck, Tucson Origami Club, and Yume Japanese Gardens are mentioned in the article.


SAJCC Council votes to sign letter sent by Japanese American Citizens League of Arizona to Governor Doug Ducey, about anti-Asian hate in April, 2021

On April 9, the SAJCC Council of 13 members voted to be one of the undersigned organizations in the attached letter to Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, expressing sentiment against anti-Asian violence in Arizona and the nation. The vote was 12-0-1.

Copy of the letter from Japanese American Citizens League of Arizona (Glendale, AZ) below.


Peaceful video of Enchanted Evenings at Yume Japanese Gardens taken during pandemic of Fall, 2020

Music by Paul Amiel. Vimeo video is 8 minutes, 30 seconds in duration

Yume Japanese Gardens is at 2130 N. Alvernon Way, Tucson. It opened in January 2013.


Japanese culture re-framed at annual Tucson Meet Yourself Folklife Festial in October, 2020

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the popular Tucson Meet Yourself folklife festival had to go virtual for performances.  Mari Kaneta’s Suzuyuki-Kai traditional dancers performed online on Oct. 8:
Founder Mari Kaneta was also interviewed for Traditional Thursdays: Dances for Gesture in Japanese and Indian Traditions:
Odaiko Sonora taiko drummers performed virtually on October 15:
Founder Karen Falkenstrom (half Korean American) was interviewed for Traditional Thursdays: The Living Traditions of Taiko & Capoeira:
Moreover, on Fridays Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23  various Japanese artisans and Mari Kaneta‘s Japanese dancers  were shown on public walls via taped video performances, without sound.  The venues were the Aloft Hotel, Tucson City Hall, Winterhaven Square, PICOR, Kent’s Tools, and Mercado San Agustin. Origami folder Chi Nakano and shodo calligraphy artist Akiko Victorson (Soulful Sumi Calligraphy) were also featured.

Akiko with her calligraphy, on the west wall of the Aloft Hotel, (Speedway/Campbell), taken Oct. 2, courtesy of Akiko

Tucson Eat Yourself: At the Mercado San Agustin (125 S. Avenida del Convento) on Oct. 10 & 11 were several food trucks for a smaller food venue, including the popular Takoyaki Balls food truck of Tomomi Katz. Tomomi is pictured below on the far left. They were also at the next weekend roundups at  Cafe Santa Rosa (2615 S. 6th Avenue)  on Oct. 17 and 18, and at St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church on Oct. 24 and 25.  Photo courtesy of Steven Meckler for Tucson Meet Yourself.
This was indeed a different rendition of Tucson Meet Yourself with virtual performances, three smaller Tucson Eat Yourself venues (west, south, and central locales), and video taping of artisans on six public building walls around the city.
Let’s see what TMY in 2021 holds for us.


SAJCC provides assistance funds to several Japanese American businesses and organizations during COVID-19 pandemic in July, 2020

The Southern Arizona Japanese Cultural Coaltion (SAJCC) Council decided to provide emergency assistance funds to Japanese American businesses and organizations during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. A committee consisting of Director Yuki Ibuki, Treasurer Clint Cooper, Secretary K. Negley, and Dr. Min and Evelyn Yanagihashi set up a selection process and chose these recipients, with approval of the full Council. Funds were distributed in July, 2020 to:

  • Odaiko Sonora (taiko drummers): $1500 Covid-19 support donation (1013 S. Tyndall Avenue)
  • Tucson Japanese Language School: $500 for Covid-19 scholarship support plus a donation of 15 purchased Family Memberships for Yume Japanese Gardens (1701 E. Seneca St.)
  • Yume Japanese Gardens: $500 Covid-19 support donation (2130 N. Alvernon Way)
  • Ikkyu Restaurant: $500 to assist with their restaurant operations for food donations to medical personnel of Covid-19 (2040 W. Orange Grove Rd).

Be well everyone, and stay safe during this pandemic. For more info about these donated funds, contact Director Yuki Ibuki at


SAJCC’s Ross Iwamoto and Carolyn Classen receive awards at Pan Asian Community Alliance Lunar New Year celebration on Feb. 29, 2020

Southern Arizona Japanese Cultural Coalition’s founder and 1st Director Ross Iwamoto was named Pan Asian Man of the Year, and SAJCC Editor (for 7 years) Carolyn Sugiyama Classen was named Friend of Pan Asian — at the Feb. 29 Pan Asian Community Alliance’s 25th annual Lunar New Year celebration at the Tucson Marriott University Park Hotel, 880 E. 2nd St.

PACA dinner program, courtesy of Daisy Rodriguez-Pitel

Ross served on the SAJCC Council from 2012 to 2016, and Carolyn is a Founding member of the SAJCC & is still currently on the Council.

Ross has also been active on PACA’s board, with the TUSD Pan Asian Studies Program and the So. Az Asian Pacific Islanders Health Coalition. Ross was the Director of a 2009 Asian American Pacific Islander conference in Tucson, bringing in his cousin Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Day author) as keynote speaker. Ross is Sansei (3rd generation Japanese American), from the island of Molokai, Hawaii. He also paints watercolors and has been included in a few United by Art exhibits at the Consulate of Mexico in Tucson.

Carolyn also served for one year on the PACA board, three years recently on the Community Council of APASA (Asian Pacific American Student Affairs), where she was awarded the 1st Community Builder award in 2018. She teachers students how to play mah jong every Friday during the academic school year. She founded Mah Jong Mondays at Himmel Park Library, which celebrated its 10th anniversary in January. Carolyn has also been a member/volunteer at the Tucson Chinese Cultural Center since 2008. She is likewise a Sansei, from N. Kohala on the Big Island of Hawaii.

L to R: Carolyn Sugiyama Classen, Friend of Pan Asian award; Ross Iwamoto, Pan Asian Man of the Year 2020, photo taken by Albrecht Classen

Entertainment at the PACA dinner was provided by Mari Kaneta’s Suzuyuki Kai Dancers (pictured below), Siva Maia Polynesian Dancers, and Neneng Babanto Fassler Filipino dancers.

Suzuyuki-Kai dancers L to R: Risa Peters and Suzu Igarashi , courtesy of Cat Ripley

Some of the Japanese/Asian American past recipients of PACA awards were:

Dr. Henry “Hank” Oyama, Pan Asian Man of the Year 2005 (Educator/Vice President Emeritus at Pima Community College). He was interned during WWII at Poston Internment Camp. Hank passed away in 2013 at age 86.

M. Craig, Pan Asian Woman of the Year 2006 (founder of Tucson Origami Club, past President of Japan America Society of Tucson, founding member of SAJCC). M is half Japanese/half African American.

Karen Falkenstrom, Pan Asian Woman of the Year 2009 (founder of Odaiko Sonora taiko drummers, active on Tucson Japanese Festival committee and former SAJCC Treasurer – half Korean American/half Caucasian).

Dr. Sylvia Lee, Friend of Pan Asian 2014 (former President of PCC NW and elected to one six year term on Pima Community College Governing Board). Sylvia is of Japanese/Chinese/Caucasian ethnicity.

Mari Kaneta, Pan Asian Woman of the Year 2018 (founder of Japanese dance troupe Suzuyuki-Kai, owner of Yamato Japanese restaurant).


Tucson Japanese Festival held on January 18, 2020 was a huge success

Our 7th New Year’s mochi pounding Tucson Japanese Festival was another huge success, with over 2,000 attendees. Held for the 2nd year at the Tucson Chinese Cultural Center (1288 W. River Rd.), performances were done by co-sponsor Odaiko Sonora, and Tucson Japanese Language School student choir and Ayla & Shiho  (mother/daughter duo on violin & piano), Empty Bamboo Shakuhachi Circle, Suzuyuki-Kai traditional Japanese dancers on the Court stage.  Martial arts were demonstrated by Tucson Kendo Kai, Tucson Bujinkan Dojo, and Aikido Shoubu Dojo in the outside garden. Several tea ceremonies were held by Urasenke Chanoyu and Sakura Tea Circle in both the library and dance studio. Arizona Kyudo Club performed an archery demonstration as well.
Mochi pounding was again the highlight with free mochi samples for all. Food vendors included food  trucks Takoyaki Balls, Solid Grindz, and Fat Noodle, along with Sushi Zona and Matcha-An (green tea ice cream). MC (new) was Stuart Ferguson.  The welcome was once again given by PCC Chancellor Lee Lambert (whose PCC Diversity Club participated), and SAJCC Director Yuki Ibuki.  
Origami was taught by Tucson Origami Club and various games – kendama, ayatori, fukuwarai, otedama  were played in the gaming room, along with Go teaching in another room.  There was even a contest for picking up beans with chopsticks.
For the first time, volunteer t-shirts (green Year of the Rat) were provided to the 60 plus volunteers.  Also for the first time, SAJCC hired a Festival Coordinator, Laurie Neal Parker. Happy New Year of the Rat 2020. 

Odaiko Sonora taiko drummers on stage, courtesy of Angela Salmon/Desert Aloha LLC


Mochi pounding team: Micha Sherman in red hapi coat, and the Pimienta family – Julian, Benito, Isaac, and Miki. Usu belongs by Miki’s mother Fusako. Courtesy of M Fumie Craig

Cici Okuburo drawing henonoheji (faces with Japanese alphabet) with brushes on magic water paper, courtesy of Teena Werley

Photo gallery with more photos of the festival published in Blog for Arizona:  hyperlink:


Two SAJCC Study Abroad Scholarships awarded to University of Arizona students for summer 2019 in Kyoto, Japan

In Feb. 2019 the SAJCC Council created a Study Abroad in Japan Scholarship program, to award two $500 scholarships to financially needy UA college students enrolled in a Kyoto, Japan summer class.

12 students in the June to July course were encouraged to submit information on an application form and an essay about why they wanted to study in Kyoto, Japan. An SAJCC selection committee was established and the deadline to apply was April 1, 2019. The selection committee were Chair Carolyn Sugiyama Classen, her husband Professor Albrecht Classen (Director of Medieval Europe study abroad for 15 years), and retired East Asian Professor Min Yanagihashi.

University of Arizona students Adrian Ford and Philipp Roederer were each awarded these scholarships  to use in their study abroad course “Arizona in Kyoto: Japanese Food & Traditional Culture”. Ford is a Broadcast Journalism major, with a minor in Japanese; Roederer is a Japanese language/Pre-Business major.

Adrian Ford

Ford’s statement (excerpt): “My dream is to be a foreign correspondent for a big news network writing and speaking on Japan. My number one dream would to be move there and report from there. However, I have never travelled to Japan, this trip would allow me to see my dream out and guarantee to myself that this is what I want to do, and where I want to live.”

Philipp Roederer

Roederer’s essay (excerpt): “I have not yet been to Japan, in fact, I have not yet traveled outside of the United States. So, studying abroad in Kyoto will be a first for both for me. As mentioned, what made me interested in learning about Japan in the first place is Zen Buddhism and so Kyoto will be the perfect place for me to study abroad in as it is a center for Japanese culture, including Buddhism.”

Both students were required to give a short presentation on their study abroad experience to the SAJCC Council in the Fall of 2019.

On September 16, both students presented a power point at the Johrei Fellowship Center about their learning and culinary experiences in Kyoto and Osaka, Japan. Both enjoyed their summer study abroad experience and were grateful for the scholarship.  Attending this meeting were several SAJCC Council members, Professor Albrecht Classen, and East Asian Studies professors Josh Schlachet and Chieko Nakano, who ran the Kyoto study abroad program.


Childrens’ Day celebration held at Yume Japanese Gardens on March 9, 2019

Yume Japanese Gardens (2130 N. Alvernon Way)  hosted a Children’s Day celebration early on March 9, 2019. Usually this event is held on Children’s Day which is on May 5 of each year.  Various activities were held for children to participate in such as wearing yukata and hapi coats, origami folding, decorating  a  paper lantern,  learning Japanese games such as hanafuda, kendama, ayatori, fukuwarai.  Otaku  Nation store had a table with Japanese  items for sale, and the Takoyaki Balls food truck served takoyaki, curry rice, onigiri, okonomiyaki.  Calligraphy, anime viewing and a puppet show were also included with admission.

Carolyn Classen, SAJCC Editor taught the Japanese card game of hanafuda, while SAJCC Councilmember Miki Pimienta taught the other games listed above. SAJCC Councilmember Miyako McKay helped dress the children & adults in the yukata & hapi coats.

Photos below courtesy of M Fumie Craig, founder of Tucson Origami Club & also a SAJCC Councilmember, who taught origami at this event. More photos at Tucson Origami Club’s FB page:

koinobori on display for sale, to fly on May 5


Tucson Origami Club table with young girl in yukara


Carolyn Classen teaching hanafuda, to Miki’s sons Taka and Masa


Tucson Japanese Festival on January 19, 2019 a huge success at new location Tucson Chinese Cultural Center

For the 6th year in a row, SAJCC hosted a New Year’s Tucson Japanese Festival on January 19, 2019 at the lovely Tucson Chinese Cultural Center, 1288 W. River Rd.  Once again Japanese cultural activities,food, games, musical/dance performances, taiko drumming, martial arts was included in the day’s festivities.

MC again was Louis Rivera, and Dr. Min Yanagihashi gave his talk again about the history of rice and mochi pounding. Photos below courtesy of M Fumie Craig, founder of Tucson Origami Club and one by Louis Rivera. Chair of the event was Sharon Arceneaux, who has been a volunteer for the festival for 4 years.

Co-host Odaiko Sonora performed on their taiko drums, Suzuyuki Kai danced a few traditional dances from Japan. There was martial arts demonstrations by Tucson Kendo Kai, Tucson Bujinkan Dojo, Bujinkan USA, Aikido Shoubu Dojo, and  Aikido at the Center.  Paul Amiel & Empty Bamboo Shakuhachi performed their flutes in the library.

Origami was taught & folded in a dance studio, along with Go, kendama & furuwarai games, with kimono demonstrations & tea ceremony in another dance studio.

Free samples of mochi (with kinako) were offered


Tomomi Katz serving takoyaki at her food truck


Southern Arizona Koi Association brought some of their favorite koi for display

Additional photos published in  Blog for Arizona:

creative Origami cranes & butterflies on display & for sale


Odaiko Sonora performing on their taiko drums


Talk on WWII Japanese American internment camps in Arizona held at Himmel Park Library on April 11, 2018

Retired East Asian Studies Professor Dr. Min Yanagihashi wrote a scholarly article on the two Arizona WWII Internment camps (at Gila River and Poston),  and then presented his paper, with a slide show at a SAJCC sponsored event, at Himmel Park Library (1035 N. Treat Ave.) on April 11, 2018.

Event flyer created by Crystal Akazawa posted here, as well as pdf of Min’s article, and two videotapes (taken by SAJCC volunteer freelancer James Tokishi). Water and Japanese snacks (senbei, arare) were provided by SAJCC with some donated by Kenji Azeka, with assistance of Evelyn Yanagihashi.  


Videotape 1 (lecture, with welcome by Carolyn Sugiyama Classen, Editor):

Videotape 2 (questions/answers):

Thanks to the PCC Asian Pacific Cultural Club who helped set up the chairs, serve refreshments, and clean up afterwards.

SAJCC Council members in attendance at this event:  Director Yuki Ibuki, Dr. Min Yanagihashi, Carolyn Sugiyama Classen, Evelyn Yanagihashi, Crystal Akazawa, K Negley, Ginger Sugimoto.  Over 40 people attended this talk.


Tucson Japanese Festival held on January 20, 2018 to celebrate New Year of the Dog

For 5th year the SAJCC sponsored a New Year’s event (along with cohost Odaiko Sonora) now called the Tucson Japanese Festival (formerly called Tucson Mochitsuki) at PCC Downtown, 1255 N. Stone Ave.  Musical and dance performances were held in the Amethyst room, delicious Japanese food (and samples) were provided, along with Japanese games/origami upstairs in the Campus Center building.

Chair of the 2018 event was Suke Nakata and MC was again Louis Rivera.  Mochi pounding was demonstrated outside. Sensei Masayuki Kobayashi from Japan explained the mochi pounding and making process.  Over 1000 people attended, despite the rainy weather.

New this year:  PCC Art /Hiro Tashima ceramics demo and  Mari Kaneta‘s Suzuyuki Kai traditional kabuki dancing on stage.  Dance troupe is pictured below.

Mochi pounding outside of PCC Downtown campus center, courtesy of James Tokishi


Suzuyuki Kai dance troupe, photo courtesy of Breanna Pena. Founder Mari Kaneta in middle (white kimono)


Odaiko Sonora finale taiko drumming, photo coutesy of Louis Rivera

More photos at :

Additional info/photos on FB page:

PCC Aztec Press video:


Beautiful origami on display at Yume Japanese Gardens for “Between Folds: Classical Origami” exhibit  (October 1 to December 31, 2017)

Tucson Origami Club founder/teacher M. Fumie Craig created beautiful plant and animal displays for this exhibit. Origami LAFF teacher Mary Ellen Palmeri contributed a few creations as well.  Photos courtesy of M. Craig.

First time Otaku Festival hosted at Yume Japanese Gardens on March 4, 2017

“The hippest hobby in Japan today is “cosplay.” That’s a portmanteau word that describes making up and suiting up to adopt – and in the most extreme cases, even live out – the activities of characters in Japanese cartoons, anime movies, music videos, and manga comics. The most obsessed, full-time fans form a genuine subculture that Japanese social scientists call “otaku.”

Showcasing these activities at the Otaku Festival on March 4 were — two anime screenings, tin foil art creations by Shawn Richards, modern doll displays, origami taught by M. Fumie Craig, and a lively cosplay dance performance by Lani Villanueva (joined by Louis Rivera, organizer of the festival). Authentic curry stew and inarizushi were on sale, along with other Japanese snacks (i.e green tea pocky and senbei). Lani’s cosplay character is Hatsune Miku.

Doll display inside gift shop, courtesy of Carolyn Classen


Lani Villanueva and Louis Rivera  dancing, courtesy of James Tokishi


Cosplay characters (Franken Stein, a Survey Corps member, & Hatsune Miku) at koi pond in Yume Japanese Gardens,  courtesy of Louis Rivera

Day of Remembrance on Feb. 18, 2017 at the Tucson Desert Art Museum

SAJCC members participated in the 75th Anniversary Day of Remembrance at Tucson Desert Art Museum, in commemoration of the signing of E.O. 9066 by FDR, which set into motion the relocation & internment of about 120,000 Japanese Americans. Retired East Asian UA Professor Min Yanagihashi, ASU Professor Kathryn Nakagawa (whose family was interned), and former U. S. Senate Legislative Aide Carolyn Sugiyama Classen, JD participated in a panel discussion about the Pearl Harbor attack, the signing of E.O. 9066, the internment camp roundup during  WWII and the aftermath, to seek redress.

Min and Kathryn gave historical perspectives, and Carolyn related her insider’s view of working with Senior Hawaiian U.S. Senator Daniel K. Inouye, in the creation of the National Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians. The Commission found that a “grave injustice” had been done to the Japanese Americans during WWII, and recommended an apology from the US President, and redress of $20,000 per internee.  President Ronald Reagan did finally issue an apology in 1988 and redress was finally paid to over 82,000 recipients, but many internees had already passed away.

L-R:  Carolyn Sugiyama Classen JD, Prof. Min Yanagihashi (speaking) and Prof. Kathryn Nakagawa. Photo courtesy of Shelly Black


Carolyn holding photo of President Jimmy Carter signing P.L. 96-317 creating the National Commission.  Photo courtesy of Shelly Black. Inscription under the photo, handwritten by the Senator: “To Carolyn Sugiyama, This was your day. With affection and gratitude, Aloha, Daniel K. Inouye.”

Three exhibits on the Japanese American internment camps opened on November 5,2016 and are ongoing at the Tucson Desert Art Museum till April 30, 2017. Poet Heather Nagami  (whose family was interned) has some of her poems at this exhibit and also read 9 poems from “Acts of Translation” on the Day of Remembrance.  Professors Terry and Susie Matsunaga also related their family’s internment camp experiences, in a separate panel discussion.  Ongoing exhibits:

photo courtesy of Shelly Black

​​​​Gambatte! Legacy of an Enduring Spirit: Triumphing over Adversity. Japanese American WWII Incarceration Reflections, Then and Now (photography by Paul Kitagaki Jr.)  Kitagaki was supposed to be present on the Day of Remembrance but his flight from California was cancelled due to winter storm weather.

Behind Barbed Wire: Japanese American Incarceration in Arizona

Art of Circumstance: Art and Artifacts Created by Japanese Americans Incarcerated During WWII.

Tucson Japanese Festival a huge success at PCC Downtown on January 14, 2017

Tucson Japanese Festival (new name) was held on January 14, 2017 at PCC Downtown, 1255 N. Stone Ave. to celebrate the New Year. For the 4th year, SAJCC sponsored a New Year’s festival featuring numerous performances.  Origami was taught and Go, fukuwarai and kendama games were played upstairs again in the campus center, and ikebana and bonsai (Tucson Bonsai Club) were on display.  Odaiko Sonora and Yume Japanese Gardens of Tucson were festival co-sponsors.

There were more performers this year: Odaiko Sonora, Japanese media presentation by Alex Coulombe, Tucson Kendo Kai, Pianists Shiho Takeda & Aika Tatebe, violinist Ayla Moreno (5 year old), Yuki Ibuki (tenor song), Yosakoi Dancers (Yurika Tatebe & friends), Tucson Japanese Language School choir, Paul Amiel (shakuhachi) and Akiwa Abe Brown (koto), Sonoran Aikikai, Ken Koshio & K2 Enterprise (taiko) from Phoenix (new),  Lani Villanueva (anime presentation), J’s Martial Arts Performing Academy from Mesa.

Green tea, senbei and mochi samples were provided to over 700 attendees. Takoyaki and ramen were sold by Tomomi Katz at her food booth, and onigiri (musubi) were sold by the Tucson Japanese Language School.

Photos below courtesy of M. Fumie Craig. Photo gallery posted:

Odaiko Sonora taiko drummers doing the welcome, at PCC Downtown campus courtyard

Mochi pounding preparation in stone usu (owned by Miki Pimienta) with kine mallets

L to R: Interim SAJCC Director Yuki Ibuki, Tucson Origami Club founder M. Fumie Craig, ret. UA Professor Min Yanagihashi, PCC Chancellor Lee Lambert, SAJCC Editor Carolyn Sugiyama Classen, Suke Nakata (stage manager), SAJCC founder Ross Iwamoto. Yuki, M, Min, Carolyn are currently on the SAJCC Council and helped plan this event and others in the past.

Articles below this line are past events posted in 2012 and afterwards, in reverse chronological order to 2016.


3rd Annual Tucson Mochitsuki held on January 9, 2016 at new location, PCC Downtown

SAJCC sponsored a larger Mochitsuki on January 9 at Pima Community College Downtown, 1255 N. Stone Avenue, with support from Yume Japanese Gardens of Tucson, Odaiko Sonora, and PCC Downtown. The event drew more than 600 attendees and had many more exhibitors and food vendors (i.e. takoyaki booth, Fat Noodle Truck, Sky Islands HS Japanese class serving musubi, PCC Diversity Club selling Japanese snacks, Sandyi Oriental Market, etc.)  Event Chair was Wayne Tanaka.

Oshiruko sweet soup with mochi sample and green tea were served.  On the stage were performances from Odaiko Sonora, Tucson Kendo Kai, kyudo (archery), an anime presentation by Lani Villanueva, a chado tea ceremony, singer Yurika Tatebe.  Upstairs were tables with Tucson Origami Club, Tucson Go Club, kendama, fukuwarai.

More photos  and video online at our FB page,, and at

Odaiko Sonora preparing to do the welcome ceremony in Amethyst Room of PCC Downtown

Odaiko Sonora preparing to do the welcome ceremony in Amethyst Room of PCC Downtown (photo credit Brandy Gannon)


Mochi pounding in usu and kine (on loan from Phoenix friends)

Mochi pounding in usu with kine (on loan from Phoenix friends). Photo credit James Tokishi


Tomomi Katz cooking takoyaki at her food booth

Tomomi Katz cooking takoyaki at her food booth, photo credit  Brandy Gannon

Origami paper cranes folded for Tucson Repertory Orchestra’s concert trip to Japan in October, 2015

Tucson Repertory Orchestra (TRO) Director Toru Tagawa is originally from Hiroshima, Japan. He and his violinist wife Laura Tagawa planned a concert trip to Hiroshima and Okayama in October 2015 and Laura decided to ask the community for help in folding 1,000 origami paper cranes to take to the Children’s Peace memorial in memory of Sadako Sasaki, who had tried to fold 1000 cranes prior to her death at age 12 (from radiation sickness).

On September 12, Laura asked the Tucson community (including Tucson Origami Club, Origami LAFF and So. AZ Japanese Cultural Coalition) for help. We all pitched in and within 2 weeks had folded over 3,000 cranes, through the help of the owners of Snow Peas restaurant (1402 S. Craycroft Rd.) which was providing folding space, a large “fishbowl” to hold the cranes, and origami paper for pickup. Several folding sessions were held there for the community to drop in and help.

The final count of strung cranes was 3012, which were shipped in an empty tuba case to Japan.  There were several sizes folded from very tiny 1″ x 1″ to larger 6″x 6″, but the common size was 3″ x 3″, plus others, some from recycled paper.

Congratulations to Laura Tagawa, Toru Tagawa and the TRO for this gesture of peace from the Tucson community, which were presented to the Hiroshima children’s peace memorial on October 14, 2015. Photos courtesy of Laura Tagawa.

More info on TRO at


TRO presenting origami cranes at Hiroshima peace memorial

New Year’s Mochitsuki in the desert; 2nd Annual held 

It was the vision of Founder/1st Director Ross Iwamoto  that our SAJCC and friends sponsor a mochi pounding/tasting festival for Japanese New Year’s. The first successful mochitsuki event was held at Yume Japanese Gardens, 2130 N. Alvernon Way on January 4, 2014.  Executive director of Yume Gardens Patricia Deridder and M. Fumie Craig were in charge, and about 200 people attended. Odaiko Sonora performed on their taiko drums and Paul Amiel played his soothing shakuchachi flute.

Photos below of 1st Mochitsuki, courtesy of Heather Nagami from FB page.

The second one was held on January 10, 2015 at Rhythm Industry Performance Factory (1013 S. Tyndall Avenue), home of Odaiko Sonora taiko drummers, which was even more popular, with double the amount of participants. UA Kyudo Club also participated on stage, and there was an anime presentation, songs by Yuki Ibuki and Okiraku (shakuhachi,koto,shamisen trio).

A stone usu and wooden kine were borrowed from Phoenix for the first event. 2015 Event coordinator was Heather Nagami and her husband Bryan Barnes built a beautiful wooden usu (mortar) and two kines (mallets) for the second. Happy New Year!

Photos of 2nd Annual event here: Additional photos below courtesy of  freelance photographer James Tokishi.

Poster created by Crystal Akazawa

Poster created by Crystal Akazawa (graphic designer)

Ross Iwamoto presenting 2015 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Japan calendar to Event Coordinator Heather Nagami:

Director Ross Iwamoto presenting Ikebana calendar to event coordinator Heather Nagami

SAJCC Director Ross Iwamoto presenting Ikebana calendar to Event coordinator Heather Nagami

Odaiko Sonora drummers (Karen Falkenstrom & Nicole Stansbury on left) pounding mochi:


 For even more photos of the Mochitsuki, go to our Facebook page: (public, you don’t have to sign in to FB).

“Wounded” Tiger” book by  former Tucsonan Martin Bennett

This is a compelling novel  published in March 2014. “Wounded Tiger” is about Commander Mitsuo Fuchida who led the famous 12/7/41 Pearl Harbor attack, but also about “Doolittle raider” Jake Deshazer who became a Japanese P.O.W after the Doolittle bombing raid on Japan in April 1942, and a Baptist missionary family the Covells who lived 20 years in Japan, then fled to the Philippines during WWII.  How these 3 true stories intersect is amazing.   More info at Martin Bennett’s website Recent online review about this book:

UPDATE 12/7/23: 3rd  Edition of this book now out with many more B/W photos:

In Memory of Educator Dr. Henry “Hank” Oyama  (1926 – 2013)

On March 20, 2013 86-year old  Tucson educator Dr. Henry “Hank” Oyama passed away.  He was a former teacher at Pueblo High School, then went on to a career in bilingual education at Pima Community College, retiring as Vice President Emeritus after 22 years.  He was interned at age 15 in the Poston Internment Camp in Arizona in May 1942 (along with his mother and sister), and also challenged the Arizona anti-miscegenation law in 1959, in order to marry his Caucasian college  sweetheart Mary Ann Jordon.  An elementary school in Tucson was named after him in 2003.  Read more in obituary in Arizona Daily Star.

Guest opinion  dated 3/21/17 on Dr. Oyama in Arizona Daily Star, page A10:

Oyama Elementary School  photo below, 2700 S. La Cholla Tucson.

Sign at Oyama Elementary School in Tucson

Yume Japanese Gardens opened in January, 2013 (first Japanese Gardens in Tucson,  Arizona)

Owner/Executive Director Patricia Deridder had a dream (yume) to create a beautiful and tranquil Japanese garden in her new home of Tucson. Originally from Belgium, she had lived for 15 years in Japan as a young woman, and had learned to speak Japanese and the art of ikebana.  Visit her gardens at 2130 N. Alvernon Way (open daily except for the summer months, after Children’s Day (May 5) through September 30).  More at There have been a number of  Japanese art and cultural exhibitions & workshops, as well as concerts & plays at Yume gardens since the opening in 2013.

“Asako, The Girl Who Saved Her Village” book published by Odaiko Sonora

Local children’s book by Odaiko Sonora about taiko drumming and a tsunami,  published in 2012, a  year after the devastating  March 11, 2011 tsunami in Sendai, Japan. This book was released at the annual Tucson Festival of Books in celebration of Odaiko Sonora’s 10th year anniversary . Contact Odaiko Sonora to purchase a copy of their book at

Discover Nikkei online:

Editor Carolyn Sugiyama Classen  wrote an article in August, 2012 for an online journal Discover Nikkei (about Japanese migrants & their descendents) entitled “My International Family” (click here).  She writes about how her Japanese American family (raised in Hawaii)  married mostly foreigners.  This national website is a resource for everyone of Japanese descent.

Origami/Hanafuda Card Game at Tucson Origami Club 

Interested in learning how to fold beautiful & creative origami (Japanese paper folding) or play hanafuda (Japanese flower 48 card game)? Come to the Tucson Japanese Culture and Origami MeetUp Group (now called Tucson Origami Club) on the 1st Saturday of each month at 10 a.m. at Dao’s Tai Pan resturant, 446 N. Wilmot Rd. (north of Broadway Blvd.) in Tucson.

Founder/Nisei M Fumie Craig has been hosting this origami club for over 10 years, and has taught origami at numerous venues, including the Pima County Public Library. Sansei Carolyn Classen teaches hanafuda, which she learned as a child to play in Hawaii, where the game is very popular. She has taught it also to the Asian Pacific American Student Affairs group at the UA, at several Japanese Speech Contests, Yume Gardens, and at the 2nd Annual Tucson New Year’s Mochitsuki.

Hanafuda cards

Gordon Hirabayashi Recreation Site:

Near Tucson, Arizona is the Gordon Hirabayashi Recreation site on Catalina Highway up to Mount Lemmon, turn off at mile post 7. There are a few concrete remnants of the prison buildings, plus the information kiosk (photo below). Gordon Hirabayashi was a young Japanese American from Seattle, Washington who was imprisoned in the prison camp that existed there during WWII. He challenged his unlawful imprisonment (Japanese American internment)  in U.S. vs. Hirabayashi, 320 U.S. 81 (1943). Read more in wikipedia. The Coronado National Forest named the site after him in 1999.

Good article on this site:

Photo below courtesy of Brandy Gannon.

AZPM video on this campsite: