Hannelore Quander-Rattee Works-in-Translation Series: Sawako Nakayasu
THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 2018 – 7:00PM
At UA Poetry Center, 1508 E. Helen St. Tucson (north of Speedway, west of Cherry Avenue. )

“The Poetry Center is proud to present Sawako Nakayasu as our annual Hannelore Quander-Rattee Works-in-Translation reader. Nakayasu is a transnational poet, translator, and occasional performance artist. She is co-editor of A Transpacific Poetics, and is the recipient of a 2016 PEN Award for Poetry in Translation for her translations of Japanese avant-garde poet Chika Sagawa. Her newest translations of modern Korean poet Yi Sang are in progress.”
Also — The Work of Sawako Nakayasu
TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 2018 – 6:00PM

“Poet and librarian Sarah Kortemeier leads a Shop Talk on the work of Sawako Nakayasu, who reads for the Poetry Center’s annual Hannelore Quander-Rattee Works-in-Translation Reading on March 22.”