Several haiku poets in Southern Arizona won at the 2023 Arizona Matsuri haiku contest including my UA professor husband Albrecht Classen (honorable mention, Adult category). Here’s his winning haiku on page 17:
“Desert sun placates
We shiver at night
despite Tourists’ assumptions”

In the Japanese Language category, Hitomi McKnight of Tucson Japanese Language School won Outstanding haiku (page 20):
満⽉の 夜に吠えわたる (よに ほえ わたる) コヨーテの唱 (うた)
“The night of the full moon
Coyote’s song
Howls and extends”

Also in Japanese Language, Ayumi Uchida won Honorable Mention for her haiku on page 21,
しろうさぎ いっぱいたべたい つきみだんご
“The white rabbit
Wants to eat its fill
Moon-viewing dumplings”
And SAJCC Council member & Volunteer Miki Pimienta once again won Honorable Mention for hers on page 22 (Japanese Language category):
ちらちらと 雪舞うサワロ 綿帽⼦
“Flickering Snow
dances on saguaro
Clumps of snow”

All the winning haiku are listed in the 2023 E-Book below:
Haiku Ebook 2023 (
Congratulations to all the winners!