Spring bonsai show at Yume Japanese Gardens on April 27 & 28


Tucson Bonsai Society’s spring show for the first time will be at the new Yume Japanese Gardens, 2130 N. Alvernon Way, on April 27 and 28, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  Bonsai miniature trees will be on display throughout the gardens on both days, with demonstrations throughout the weekend.  “View dozens of artfully trained miniature trees and shrubs, to see pruning demonstrations, and to receive helpful tips on plant selection and care from dedicated Bonsai enthusiasts. Learn about choosing containers and display pots, grafting and root reduction, which species are easiest to train, and the history of this 1,000-year-old Japanese tradition.”

See: www.tucsonbonsaisociety.com, and www.tucsonjapanesegardens.org.

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