A Haiku Writing Walk
with world renowned haikuists
Yukihiro Ibuki and Danny Bland
Friday, March 13, 1 pm
Space is limited. Please call 520-303-3945 to reserve your spot.
” A haiku writing walk is a time to observe, reflect on, and collect perceptions and images both of nature and life which are used in the appreciation and creation of haiku, the iconic Japanese short poem.
In this 2-hour workshop, we will begin with the reading of haiku (in English and Japanese) and a discussion of the history, form, characteristics and dynamic of haiku, led by haikuists Yukihiro Ibuki and Danny Bland. We will then spend a quiet time in the gardens to read haiku placed in various locations and to gather our own personal images and impressions. An informal time then follows where we will enjoy, appreciate, and share our impressions and haiku together.
Yukihiro Ibuki was born in Kyoto, Japan and has composed Haiku since high school, belonging to the Haiku association “Kyo-kanoko.” His poems were selected as Outstanding Haiku at the Arizona Matsuri Haiku Expo in 2016, 2017, and 2018.
Danny Bland is a novelist, a haikuist and a tour managerist (manager). He is the author of two volumes of haiku titled, “I Apologize In Advance For The Awful Things I’m Gonna Do” and “We Shouldn’t Be Doing This” (Stabby Crow Press). You can read a new haiku everyday on his Facebook.”
www.yumegardens.org, 2130 N. Alvernon Way, Tucson