Haiku Hike

“The Downtown Tucson Partnership together with the University of Arizona Poetry Center are proud to announce the 2nd annual Haiku Hike literary competition. Twenty winning haiku poems will be printed on acrylic signage and displayed in downtown planters located on Congress Street and Stone Avenue in Downtown Tucson. These signs will provide visual and cultural interest throughout the spring season, beginning April 3.
What is a Haiku…
… a Japanese poem of seventeen syllables in three lines of five, seven and five.
All haiku entries will be judged by Tucson’s Poet Laureate, TC Tolbert.
This year’s theme will be “Living in the Present Moment.” Learn more about how to write a haiku here.
Only one entry per person, with a maximum of three haiku allowed. Submissions will be accepted through March 10. Winners will be announced on Downtown Tucson Partnership’s website, social media and by email to all entrants on March 19. All winners will receive public recognition and have their work featured on public signage, online and in the media.
A few general rules:
- One entry per person, with a maximum of three haiku allowed.
- Once your haiku are submitted, you aren’t able to edit them. So be sure to look them over before you submit.”
Submit haiku here: https://www.downtowntucson.org/haikuhike/