Japanese/Hawaiian American ukulele master Jake Shimabukuro at the Rialto Theatre on March 5

Japanese American ukulele master Jake Shimabukuro from Honolulu, Hawaii is coming to the Rialto Theatre, 318 E. Congress St. Tucson on March 5.  Concert at 8 p.m., doors open at 7 p.m.  He is Gosei (5th generation Japanese American).

tickets $28 to $37: https://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/event/1567090?utm_medium=ampOfficialEvent&utm_source=fbTfly

Carolyn’s note:  I recently saw Jake live at The Palace Theater in Hilo, Hawaii.  He was simply amazing and awesome — have never seen anyone play an ukulele like that before. And lucky me, before the performance he walked in from the front and said to me (a volunteer usher) “Auntie, thanks for having me again” and kissed me lightly on the check. And then walked by us through the front curtain.  We weren’t even sure that was him.  I was star struck, to say the least.  (“Auntie/Uncle” are terms of endearment & respect in the Hawaiian culture, given to elders).


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